Send appointment reminders to customers by SMS or WhatsApp

With automatic appointment reminders via SMS or WhatsApp, you can conveniently inform your customers and patients about upcoming appointments. Fast. Easy. Reliable.

Your advantages with appointment reminders by SMS or WhatsApp

With appointment reminders by SMS, you strengthen customer loyalty by providing a valued service. In addition, you can receive the replies of your recipients directly via our virtual mobile numbers. With WhatsApp, you can enhance the impact of your messages with your logo, individual images and other multimedia content.

Appointment reminders by SMS

Appointment reminders by WhatsApp

eCall Mockup animation appointment reminder via SMS
  • Prevent unnecessary loss of revenue
    Reduce the number of missed appointments by up to 50% with automatic appointment reminders by text from eCall. This enables you to optimise your appointment management and avoid loss of revenue.
  • Avoid idle time
    Every service provider knows the situation: a customer fails to show up for an appointment. Thanks to eCall’s automatic SMS appointment reminder, your working day can always be fully utilised.
  • Increase customer satisfaction
    Missing an appointment is often just as annoying for your customers as it is for you. Finally, a new date must be found and agreed upon. With a short SMS you stay in the customer’s mind and positively influence his customer satisfaction.
  • Sending & receiving via WhatsApp
    You can send and receive WhatsApp messages via API call (software).
  • Directly with the customer thanks to WhatsApp Three buttons below: Confirm, Ask to reschedule, Call. If the customer confirms the appointment, they receive the location of the store directly (e.g. from Google Maps). If the customer declines the appointment, he receives a message that the store will contact him for a new appointment. If he presses Call, he can call the store directly.
  • Reduce no-shows even more efficiently
    The reminder via WhatsApp is fresh, intuitive and innovative. Expensive no-shows can be reduced even more efficiently, particularly through confirmation or the option of a direct call
Icon eCall information

eCall tip

With SMS reminders, you can automatically remind your customers and patients of upcoming appointments and events.

Your customer or patient can only be reached on a landline? No problem! eCall sends a voice message in this case.
This is a service that is particularly appreciated by older people and people with impaired vision.

► Practical text examples for appointment reminders by SMS for your medical or dental practice: download text templates

This is how easy it is to send appointment reminders by SMS using our interfaces

Using the eCall interfaces, SMS appointment reminders can be sent directly from your software solution. In addition to the easy-to-use e-mail interface, you can also send your messages to us via SMPP, HTTP/HTTPS or WebService. No matter which interface you choose: We will deliver your text messages worldwide using our SMS gateway. Text message appointment reminders can be sent automatically via eCall. You decide when and how a reminders should be sent. Automation leads directly to an increase in efficiency.

Deadline failures lead to unnecessary and expensive idle time. Thanks to the automatic appointment reminder via SMS, your working day is always optimally filled. Via SMS you can remind your customers of an appointment in an uncomplicated and timely manner. Your clients’ responses can be easily documented and archived. Conversely, your customers also benefit from SMS appointment reminders: You will feel personally addressed and will also receive a written confirmation of the time and place of the appointment.

Increase customer satisfaction with SMS appointment reminders and reduce now-shows.

As a dentist, it’s extremely annoying when my patients keep misplacing their appointment cards and missing their appointments. This means extra work and it costs me money. With eCall, I found a simple solution.

Dr. med. dent. Daniel Schrieber, Dentist

Application examples for SMS appointment reminders

  • Reminders in the medical/dental field
  • Confirmations of hairdresser appointments
  • Garages remind of service/workshop appointments
  • Municipalities inform about garbage or cardboard collections
  • Reminding employees of appointments (service technicians, field service)
  • Collection reminders for retail orders
  • Reminder for online check-in

Simply try it out for free. If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you individually.

Telephone support
during office hours:

+41 44 787 30 70

Request or support
by e-mail:

[email protected]

by fax:

+41 44 787 30 71

We are allways at your service

Martin Ulrich Senior Key Account Manager

Do you have any questions about eCall Business Messaging, need support for our service or would you like to receive a customised offer?