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Send mTANs, OTPs and other security codes via SMS for strong 2-factor authentication

In an era where cybersecurity threats are more sophisticated than ever, safeguarding sensitive data is non-negotiable. With eCall, you can enhance your digital security.

Illustration eCall mTAN for 2-factor authentication

Your user name and password are not sufficient to protect your access!

The list of most popular passwords includes 123456, password and 12345678… Use two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect important access points and logins from unauthorised access and hackers.

The easiest way to do this is to send security codes to mobile phones via SMS. Find out more about sending security codes via SMS with a real-life example here.

Our mTAN solution: One step ahead of the competition – worldwide!

No matter where in the world you want to send mTANs, with eCall your messages will reach their destination reliably and at lightning speed. With our SMS gateway, we offer you a solution that is always one step ahead of the competition thanks to intelligent routing.

Areas of application of the mTAN procedure

The sending of SMS TANs is used where access to sensitive data in the online area is required:

Online banking

Release of incoming and outgoing payments
for online banking and credit cards.

Customer portals & Apps

Protection of logins for customer portals, mobile apps
and community platforms.

One-time Password | OTP

One Time Password (OTP) for access to a WiFi or as identification in the registration process.

Our references

Customer reference logo SBB
Logo Swiss Post
Customer reference logo Open Systems
Customer reference logo Novartis

Have mTAN read out via a voice call

“High Privacy Voice – exclusive to eCall, this is the combination of sending mTANs via text-to-speech with the High Privacy security option: our system reads out the security code to the recipient. After processing, all content is overwritten and cannot be reconstructed or intercepted. This feature is ideal for confidential to critical content such as banking.

Icon eCall SMS to Speech
Illustration better than the competitors

Standing out from the competition

Targeted SMS routing is what sets eCall apart from the competition. eCall supports multiple SMS providers with different roaming partners. Based on the destination number and the choice of different providers, optimal routes can be selected. This ensures consistently high quality for both national and international traffic.

Illustration Worldwide routing for highest delivery rates

Special tool:
SMS Routing Finder

With this tool, you can independently find working routes for SMS messages to the mobile phones of your recipients. Even if they are in less developed areas of our planet. The Routing Finder sends you a text message with a recognition code for each route to your mobile phone. Each message you successfully receive confirms that the route works. Then enter the security code into the tool to confirm the route.

Preview of the eCall brochure: mTAN (SMS Gateway for two-factor authentication)

Download eCall mTAN flyer

Read our flyer to learn more about how mTAN (transaction numbers) can be sent via SMS for 2-factor authentication.

Our price models

We offer different pricing models or individual terms. Let’s talk about a tailor-made offer for your needs. Our price list will give you some ideas.

Illustration eCall Prices

Benefits of sending mTANs via eCall

  • High availability based on redundant infrastructure
  • Ease of use, as users only need a mobile phone
  • Top transmission quality thanks to targeted SMS routing
  • No extra costs for apps or hardware (tokens)
  • Own SMS sender
  • Direct connection to top Swiss providers

Try sening mTANs and see for yourself!

Illustration the advantages of eCall online SMS at a glance

Can we offer you personalised advice? We look forward to meeting you!

+41 44 787 30 70


+41 44 787 30 71

We are allways at your service

Martin Ulrich Senior Key Account Manager

Do you have any questions about eCall Business Messaging, need support for our service or would you like to receive a customised offer?